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Marie had seen it in the store before, but she was still amazed at the small amount of actual blood that was released. The butcher had mentioned a special coating on one side of the blade that instantly stopped the bleeding on the meat source side, while not affecting the removed side. This still allowed the chunk of removed meat to bleed out.John placed the filet on a small scale. The scale communicated the reading to Alice’s file. John turned to Marie “Bob filled me in on his predicament. It is nice of you to help him out. I will only do a basic inspection and verification on you. I told Bob that as long as he doesn’t have to harvest anything, this would be sufficient. He knows the drill if he has to harvest. He can do the timing and measurements himself.”John then placed the hood on Marie. Her world went dark and even though she could hear John as he moved around, she could not move. She panicked at first, but after a few minutes that familiar tingling started deep in her core.. The globe jumped into the air about 3 feet.Both Agar and Teekay gasped in surprise, but Sam displayed a smug grin, as if saying "I told you so!" The crystal globe started to teeter on its invisible support, so Sam said, "You better put it back, Teekay, before you drop it."Teekay got a pained look on his face and declared, somewhat indignantly, "I never 'drop' anything! But I will put it back before Wizard Agar has a heart attack."Agar said, "Teekay, please be careful, some of the things in this laboratory are nearly irreplaceable. With that in mind, I would like to see if the brizium puts any limits on your ability. Please test your limits."Teekay spent about 30 minutes in various experiments, moving things about it the laboratory, first singly, and then in groups. They could find no limits placed on his ability by the brizium. Sam and Teekay were ecstatic, but Agar looked worried.Sam asked, "What's the matter, Agar. I thought that you would be happy." Oh, I am happy for Teekay, but.
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