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One day Toni suggests that it's time for me to meet her Mom. Frieda. I agree to do it because I'm in thrall to Toni, but I'm not looking forward to it. I have a picture of Frieda as some kind of monster, a cold, impatient narcissist, getting more and more sadistic and self-dramatizing as her youth fades. I understand nothing about the real nature of power.Frieda is gorgeous. She's absolutely stunning. In a completely unaffected and lively way. She's completely comfortable with herself. She's trim and shapely and quietly elegant. Her hair is dark and long and her face is beautiful and a touch girlish. She's obviously still in her thirties. She is, in the truest sense of the word, lovely. She's the sort of woman who makes you glad you're a man so you can simply serve her and not have to envy her. It's a privilege to see her, it's a privilege to be anywhere near her. To lie at the feet of the daughter she's borne - even that is a privilege.Frieda is friendly to me. For a few minutes she. All of Catrina's family was listed along with Tadeu. Damita, her granddaughter Herminia and great grand daughter Alita were there as well. Tom, Margaret and Tommy had been found through pictures of their daughter or sister.Tommy was very worried about Mary and ordered reinforcements to the probes monitoring her. Similar units were now sent to Andreaea, the singer in Florida.Most of this would have to be investigated by people for probes were very crude and were not too useful at reading anything but surface thoughts.The people were needed here though to continue our project and to hide it if that was still necessary. I knew now that our preparations would be useless. Men and weapons would come to the geographical centre of our activity and try to take what information from us if they could. Even the craters near our home would be found and the dome investigated even if they couldn't see it. Our defences were more than adequate but the ship in orbit was vulnerable to an attack. One.
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