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Alice said she had gone on line & read about real slave auctions, but didn't want to be sold to someone else as she was very happy with me owning her, & that our life style was the best. So after having checked flights and costs which were not to bad with Qantas, the 3 of us needed to see if we could get 2 more weeks off on Holidays.After we all placed our requests for leave in at work, we all got the 2 weeks off, however myself & alice had to take leave without pay. Qantas was good as they flew directly from Sydney to Dallas, then it was just a short flight to Houston. So tickets booked, accommodation booked. Time for a long flight for the 3 of us. Once on the Qantas A380-800 we had a few drinks with our meal, then we watched a movie, once the movie ended, diana was on my right side and alice on my left, when alice said "Sir are you going auction diana and myself off ?I said "I own you both, so no, what is mine remains mine"She gave a big smile after that comment.Once we had landed. I came back in 20 mins with various preparations of chicken and pomfrets. Their flavor made them mad as they were missing them.I changed into lungi ( most comfortable dress for fucking session ) and put the CD player on with light music. In the meanwhile I had hinted Shallu to put on the under garments ( Bra & panty ) and skirt which we had purchased in the evening. Deenu and I were sitting in the drawing room in the meanwhile Shallu entered in the dress as mentioned above and I was stunned she was looking gorgeous!!! And my eyeballs stuck, with half of her boobs trying to come out and the choochi’s peeping from the transparent fabric, the shirt was hardly able to hold her beautiful ass. Deenu for reasons known to him did not react at all, this encouraged me. She came and stood near the centre table and started making the drink. I knowingly made a large drink for Deenu and cheered up! Then I told Shallu “Ayshee nahi chalega you should dance while we drink” she readily agreed and.
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