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See what she’s got between her legs.” Jo incessantly stared at Elise on the rotating bed from a distance. She definitely had the ‘talents’ to be a star performer. “Open your legs wider Elise, masturbate for me and ‘your audience’, show them what kind of a… horny fucker… you are.” Elise was showing herself off, stark naked, on the slow-turning bed under the spotlight. She started to love the situation she was in. The changing lights, Jo at the back of the lounge, the voyeurs on the other side… They were all ogling her, staring at her ‘assets’. She went on her back, spread her legs impossibly wide and lifted her midriff, showing off her opening slit. “Yeah, look at me. All of you,” Jo heard her whisper. “I will be your ‘entertainment’ tonight. I will be your…horny fucker.” The voyeurs across the road were glued to their telescopes. They had an excellent view of Elise, as she displayed every inch of her stark naked flesh before them. They watched her lean body contort under the. "When we heard you were going to be here, we decided it was finally time to do something. Time to start rebuilding the world," she exclaimed with excitement in her eyes."You're from around here?" David asked, curious."Actually we're from Richmond, but it's similar to Charlottesville," Peter said. "There was massive rioting, and people fled the city when the army invaded after the Pentagon went nuts. When the local National Guard units started going up against the tanks in the streets, we just hunkered down in our basements." He paused for a moment to glance at Heather, and then put his arm around her, which shocked those watching, as several people visibly recoiled at the sight. However, Peter appeared not to notice. "When the Deaths came, we both got sick, but managed to recover after nearly dying. We ventured out looking for food and supplies and found each other. Since we both had the same thing, we figured we were immune, so we kind of hooked up."At that final revelation, the.
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