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His fingers worked my pussy while I sucked his cock – so small and pathetic it turned me on. Just my luck the dude couldn’t maintain a hard on, and kept apologizing for running out of Viagra. Seriously.I had to get creative so I could get off, so after talking about getting several prostitutes for a big fuck fest (legal there), I “got tired” then went to my room. For about ten minutes. Then I went to the lobby, curious if the cabbie happened to be idling for his next fare. Without a word, the cabbie maneuvered quickly through traffic, down a side street and into a small alley way. He then got out of the car, opened the back door at my feet, pulled his dick out and started jerking off. I took my pants off and pulled my shirt up. Cabbie, rather than climbing in, grabbed my ankles and pulled my pussy to the edge of the seat. Still standing with the door open, he moves forward and drills his thick, long meat into my waiting lips. Now, I barely know what this guy looks like, or. I just need to rest, stay warm, and drink lots of water. If I feel up to it, I'll go outside, but otherwise, I don't think the generator will be coming on today."----------------------------------------Other than my misery, the day passed no different from usual. The girls and I all lounged, each of us using a different way to pass the time. I would be reading, Momo would be drawing, Sonja batting around a tennis ball, and Chloe watching the storm. As much as I hated getting sick, I was glad that it happened now when I didn't have to be anywhere. Sitting at a desk when you have a cold must be one of the levels of Hell that Dante wrote about."Master, how are you feeling?"My loyal hound, Sonja would constantly crawl onto the bed and check in. "Fine," I'd say, and she'd lie down on her stomach, looking at me with a somber expression. It was the same expression she'd have back when she was a normal dog and I left for work every morning. Sometimes she would stay like that for just a few.
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