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At the moment, she was sitting in the large wooden tub bathing in the scented water the two girls had drawn for her and she allowed one of them to brush her hair whilst the other one combed her pretty bush under the surface with a strange look on her face like she was a frightened butterfly uncertain about landing or just flitting about this way and that unsure which direction to take with a fellow female of such delicate design in her feminine folds that she almost took her breath away with longing and lust to explore her hidden secrets no near and yet so far.Alice reached down and covered the young girl’s hand with her own and pushed her finger up into her needy vagina allowing her to touch her still intact hymen with juicy pleasure.She put her other hand down to frig her hungry with desire clitoris making her whimper out her joy at the touch on her most sensitive spot on her exterior skin. The other girl reversed the brush and pushed the rounded handle up into her tightly clenched. " Thank you, just for the record, I've seen you check me out before, but I didn't know until you kissed me that you were serious about it. I don't think you should be ashamed; that's why I didn't push you off me. Crushes are normal, but doing it with seven of Gary's past girlfriends is not something to brag about, though. Well, at least not to him," she added, taking my hands and bringing them to her bra.She nodded, but yet, I couldn't just take it off her. I couldn't believe she seemed to be putting herself out there, but yet, I was unable to just leap in that direction. As we were almost the same height, she easily moved her lips to mine.She just kissed me in a not so friendly fashion. I couldn't stop her, but I was frozen again. She kept her lips on mine for over a minute, ut towards the end of it, she brought her hands to mine and undid her bra herself.I felt her put a gap between us without parting her lips, and she dropped her bra. Then she even retook my hands and brought them.
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