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“Why are you wearing these?” he repeated, squeezing it slightly. Suddenly a huge slap landed, making me cry out.“I didn’t expect this, even for you… you should hear the men on the floor talk about how you dress” I bit my lip; he was always telling me to stop wearing my low cut work shirts to the factory.“I… I’ll dress the way I want thank you…” I whispered. I was answered by another spank. “No, you won’t. You need to understand the way others see you will affect how they see the company.” Another slap, harder than the last. Despite feeling the pain from it, the feeling inside was taking over and I moaned slightlySuddenly, Sky stepped back away from me. “Are you enjoying this?” I didn’t answer him slightly scared to. I felt his hand gently on my butt again, moving down, slipping between my thighs, caressing me lightly. I knew he could tell the answer as soon as his fingers brushed me.His fingers pressed harder, soliciting another involuntary moan from me. “You are a little slut aren’t. Call Mission, if she hasn't raided that club, we can try to talk to the club manager. If she has, maybe we can get a half hour alone with him." I suggested.While Eddie did that, Osborn and I went out to round up the girls on the cheerleader's computer. Jamison coded them on his computer as the names of fruit. You know like apple orange pear ect. The Cheerleader had them by name on her computer. Her contact with them seemed limited to the computer after their training.We had five girls in the office when Eddie said, "Mission hasn't raided the club yet. We can leave right now and get there before they do. The are going in this evening." he said."You stay here to question the girls, I'll go down and pick up the manager." I suggested."You can't pick him up. We have no jurisdiction down there," he reminded me."No, but he can agree to ride with me. He might want to come up here for questioning." I suggested. Eddie looked skeptical as well he might."Sheriff you do know, you have to read him.
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